This Little Piggy…

Posted by on Jun 14, 2011 in Photography | One Comment

I made the unfortunate decision ages ago to purchase a Canon SLR camera just about a year or two before digital cameras exploded and made film cameras all but obsolete. So I’ve been a little behind in my photography technology, using everything in my bag of tricks to get by with a point and shoot. After years of yearning, I finally made an investment in my photography habit, getting the new Nikon D5100 DSLR camera, and I’m LOVING IT. I’m still getting used to having complete control over how I capture my images, and am mostly shooting in automatic mode for now. But I’ve also checked a ton of books out of the library to work on my photography technique, shooting in manual, and improving my shot composition. I just love doing research.

Conveniently, I have a new muse. Earlier this year, I became a real aunt (not just an honorary one), and I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend with them, taking photos of my nephew for hours. Of course, I also played with him, fed him, soothed him, and generally stared in awe at him. But usually with a camera nearby. (That’s me holding him while taking a photo, below.)

A few days later, I spent three days babysitting for the 6-month-old daughter of friends while their usual caregiver was on vacation. She wasn’t so sure about me at first, but actually seemed comforted/amused by the camera and soon settled down. This little girl had a personality a mile wide, and was shockingly agile with her feet. I’d almost swear she had opposable toes. She frequently clapped her feet, perfectly aligning the toes without any help from me. Of course, I couldn’t resist taking photos of those perfect little piggies.

Love the bumblebees!

1 Comment

  1. Hilary
    Jun 14, 2011

    The perfect reason to come and visit me – I’ll get you shooting in manual in less time than it takes to drive here!

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